Version 1.0

Workshop: AngularJS Workshop

AngularJS is currently becoming one of the most popular Frameworks for Web Application development. It gives you the full power of todays browsers with a minimum of hassle. In this workshop I'll give you all the basics to develop AngularJS based applications.

AngularJS is currently becoming one of the most popular Frameworks for Web Application development. It gives you the full power of todays browsers with a minimum of hassle. In this workshop I'll give you all the basics to develop AngularJS based applications.

All you need to participate is a notebook with text editor and recent browser, as well as some fun. I'll introduce some basic concepts and help you to write a simple app. After that, you will be assisted to start with your own idea!


Tag: 24.08.2014
Anfangszeit: 10:00
Dauer: 04:00
Raum: Workshop (C115)

Sprache: en



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