Version 1.0

Vortrag: All your browsers are belong to us...

...or how to use WebDriver to remote control browsers without using a service, 3rd party libs or Node.js

In this lesson we will learn how we can remote control Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox & PhantomJS from Safari using Webdriver & the JSON-Wire protocol for fun, Q&A goodness & dark magic vodooism.

The session will be mostly live coding a little in browser JavaScript application that we will use to remotely control Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox & PhantomJS. The application will be able to navigate to all of the interwebs & have a live preview of all of this browsers in the browser where our control application is running.
And of course, we will all do this only using client side JavaScript, no Node.js magic involved.


Tag: 23.08.2014
Anfangszeit: 14:00
Dauer: 00:45
Raum: Workshop / Javascript (C117)
Track: Javascript
Sprache: en



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