Version 2.1_second_flush

Lecture: eSIM management on Qualcomm phones

Using an open-source and mainline Linux stack to work with eSIM on Qualcomm phones

In recent years phones have started getting an eSIM chip built-in to the phone which is a modern replacement for a physical SIM card you slot into the device.
Unfortunately until recently managing these eSIMs (installing a SIM card from your operator, enabling or disabling the card) was limited to proprietary apps shipped with Android.

Let's talk about how eSIMs work on a Qualcomm phone using 100% open-source user space and mainline Linux kernel, and what QMI and QRTR are doing in this stack.


Day: 2024-08-18
Start time: 15:15
Duration: 01:00
Room: HS4
Track: Development
Language: en



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