Samstag 13:30
Ganeti Test Bed
Ganeti test bed is a way to quickly spawn a virtual/test cluster inside a real Ganeti cluster. By using nested virtualization, it is possible to do a wider range of testing and development including things like DRBD or KVM live migration.
Samstag 14:00
Ganeti IPv6
While trying to setup a ganeticluster in an IPv6 Only environment i found some parts in the code we should talk about and look for options.
Samstag 15:15
QAing the Ganeti Project
Ganeti's codebase provides multiple means of QA: Haskell unit tests, Python unit tests as well as a QA suite which does end-to-end tests of entire Ganeti clusters.
This presentation mostly targets the Ganeti QA suite and how it can be used from Github Actions to test pull requests.
Samstag 16:30
gnt-cc: API and Frontend for multiple clusters
gnt-cc is an API and webfrontend for multiple Ganeti Clusters. It is currently in a very early stage but already has features like Web VNC, a global search across all resources, start/stop migrate instances.